Airframe Component Repair
Mechanical Component Repair
A key support area of our Airframe Department involves the maintenance of non-accessory mechanical components. These are items for which the airframe OEM is responsible (as opposed to those supplied by a specialized vendor). These items may or may not have their own CMM’s and consequently are not typical capability targets for accessory shops. Innodyne Systems recognizes the support gap in this area and has worked with airframe OEM’s in combining engineering data with that of published manuals to create comprehensive repair capabilities for many of these items. From determining specialized subcomponent part numbers to gathering production based fit and clearance values, we can be confident that the service we provide assures complete original function.
If you need help with an airframer cage code part that doesn’t appear in our capability lists, send a request through the method below or email including your specific part number and we’re on it!
Find your components in our up-to-date searchable list.
Program Highlights

CRJ 200 Bute Door Actutator

CRJ700/900 Quad Feel Unit

CRJ700/900 MLG Door Spring Rod

CRJ200/Challenger Engine Mount Yoke